I can be a lot to handle, so it’s nice to have that energy spread across multiple recipients


It makes me less demanding of any one of them, so I’m able to stay positive and bubbly-esque to a greater degree. It also takes away my tendency to be way too serious way too quickly, and it makes plan cancellations particularly forgivable.


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As humans, we are meant to experience variety and diversity

Keywords: lifestyle , personal updates

Monogamy is most often equated with the “highest” form of commitment, which we deem to be marriage. However, across the majority of cultures and for many centuries, marriage (and the requisite of monogamy) has contributed to the oppression of women. Historically, once women were married they were treated as chattel and considered to be the property of their husbands. This never stopped men from fraternizing and spreading their seed, but it most definitely stripped women of their power and their voice. The expectation of monogamy is one of many tools that society subtly employs in order to disempower and dominate the feminine. Because even now in the 21st century, women are held to a different standard where fidelity is concerned. While we may not be the property of our husbands, a lot of men would like to think (and collectively still believe) that we are. This is evident in common family dynamics, such as a woman staying home to look after children while her husband has a day (or night) off to socialize. I guarantee that many more men than women in marriages are granted this luxury. This inequity is also evident in overt instances of infidelity, where a man’s transgressions are more “understandable” and “forgivable” (i.e. more socially acceptable) than a woman’s. As far as I’m concerned, a healthy relationship, one that embodies the highest form of commitment, is one in which each partner is acknowledged and honored for their sovereignty. Which brings me to a critical point – my body is my own and no one else’s. This may seem obvious but the fundamental premise of monogamy strips us of this truth. Unless I am fully, consciously monogamous from a place of desire and personal choice, I am otherwise making this choice from a place of duty or obligation and not from wanting. This takes power over my body and hands it to another, which is incredibly problematic. Especially for women who are conditioned and accustomed to relinquishing their power and authority to appease our masculine-dominant society.


People in monogamous relationships often see their social networks shrink both because they have less time to spend with their friends but also because jealousy reduces the freedom they have to spend time with opposite sex friends or in places where they could meet other people who might threaten their relationship

I’ve been in both monogamous, open and polyamorous relationships throughout my life. I’ve always tried to make relationships that will work well for me where I am in life. I never saw every person I dated as a serious romantic possibility or thought that being in a serious relationship was necessary to spend time with someone.
