I am still very upset with myself that I didn’t follow through with turning my uncle in

Keywords: {0}

The expectations the law holds for what a minor should be able to say in front of not only the accused, and Judge, but whoever chooses to be in the courtroom is ridiculous. I didn’t follow through with it because it would have been incredibly difficult. They put a woman from C.A.P.S.E.A. on my case to work with me and try to prepare me for court. First off how can I feel comfortable with a lady who wasn’t even able to give me her real name? I understand the reasoning now, but back then the trust was already gone. Then they tried to get me to talk about what happened, but when I would explain I was told that words like “privates parts” wasn’t good enough. I had to be scientific? I was 5, a victim of sexual assault and they wanted me to be OK with throwing around words like “Penis” and “Vagina’? They wanted me to be very detailed about what he was doing with his hands, and what he was saying and what I had to do? SERIOUSLY! come on!
