India & sex!

India, IndianCulture, Kamasutra, MoralPolicing, Sex

Wild Blossom

For one of the most ancient civilisations like ours, we have unfortunately come from being the most accepting and open society to being one of the most controlling one. Here I put up my thoughts in this regards, and as the title suggests I am going to be talking about sex so the language is going to be fucking crazy!

Artworkat Khajuraho built between 950 AD and 1050 AD

When an Indian says ‘our culture is so “pure” that even our national bird peacock gets pregnant by drinking the tears of male peacock’, you got to believe him right? I mean what do 1.37 billion people know about reproduction that such geniuses have to promote “purity” of Indian culture.

What is culture?

Culture, in my opinion, cannot be defined in rigid terms. It is nothing but the representative ideology derived from the actual lives of the population. In…

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The Girl Who Cried Fuckboy

millennial, relationships, sex, twenties, young

The Needy Millennial

Aliens! I am back again, and this time I didn’t wait two weeks. Although, now that I think about it, you may not mind, since I am sure a lot of people (ladies, I’m looking at you) are used to waiting muchhh longer for a response anyway from all the FUCKBOYS am I right!?!? WRONG. Because there is no such thing. Yep, I said it.

The elusive fuckboy, player, whatever snap backed Huff socks vape pen breed you think is the deadliest mammal to ever walk the Earth- yeah, they are extinct. If they ever really existed in the first place. And before you get pissed and think I am about to start defending Paradise Blake ( I mean, not the worst guy in the world) I first want to say; I’m a feminist. I swear it! And as a feminist, believe me when I say I have your best…

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Open Relationship Rules….

Site Title

Open relationships aren’t the oddity they used to be. Chances are that you know someone in some form of non-traditional or non monogamous relationship. Open relationships may seem unmanageable if you aren’t experienced. But that doesn’t stop you, you’ve got many other ways or Open Relationship rules to navigate them successfully. If you want to start an open relationship or just educate yourself about it, it’s important to know the Basics, Cz we don’t fuck with the Basics!!! 😅

• Monogamy

Monogamy is basically when we are in a serious or an open relationship with one man/ woman at a time. This is the traditional way or beliefs of people and people in India practice this kind of a relationship strategy.

• Polyamory

Polyamory is a romantic relationship with more than one person at a time, with the root Ploly-meaning “Multiple” and Amor- meaning “Love”. This kind of relationship is…

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