I can be a lot to handle, so it’s nice to have that energy spread across multiple recipients


It makes me less demanding of any one of them, so I’m able to stay positive and bubbly-esque to a greater degree. It also takes away my tendency to be way too serious way too quickly, and it makes plan cancellations particularly forgivable.


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I’m not one to fuck with anyone’s heart or emotions

Keywords: about me , cheating , courtesan , escort , renaissance courtesan , seekingarrangement , sex therapy , sugar baby , sugar daddy

I have a sex drive stronger than most men -– I’m probably a sex addict, just selective of who I fuck and extremely in control of myself (yea, imagine the self-restraint necessary to go years in a self-imposed banishment to sexless desert without an oasis anywhere on the horizon). Considering I rarely make a true connection with someone, I resolved that the man I’m meant to be with would eventually find me, so until that time, I was going to have the time of my life and get a lot of study and practice in the interim to best impress and spoil him with.


Shame cannot penetrate someone who is intimately aware of their own sacredness simply from being, regardless of their actions

Keywords: shame , healing

There is power in a woman who is confident in her sexuality. There is power in a woman who loves her body as it is—organic, wild and untamed. And there is potential to change the world when women join together in refusing to shame each other, instead gently and lovingly guiding our sisters to turn their awareness inward.


[featured image sourced from original article, originally published @ https://www.elephantjournal.com/2016/05/what-a-brothel-in-johannesburg-taught-me-about-shame ]

As humans, we are meant to experience variety and diversity

Keywords: lifestyle , personal updates

Monogamy is most often equated with the “highest” form of commitment, which we deem to be marriage. However, across the majority of cultures and for many centuries, marriage (and the requisite of monogamy) has contributed to the oppression of women. Historically, once women were married they were treated as chattel and considered to be the property of their husbands. This never stopped men from fraternizing and spreading their seed, but it most definitely stripped women of their power and their voice. The expectation of monogamy is one of many tools that society subtly employs in order to disempower and dominate the feminine. Because even now in the 21st century, women are held to a different standard where fidelity is concerned. While we may not be the property of our husbands, a lot of men would like to think (and collectively still believe) that we are. This is evident in common family dynamics, such as a woman staying home to look after children while her husband has a day (or night) off to socialize. I guarantee that many more men than women in marriages are granted this luxury. This inequity is also evident in overt instances of infidelity, where a man’s transgressions are more “understandable” and “forgivable” (i.e. more socially acceptable) than a woman’s. As far as I’m concerned, a healthy relationship, one that embodies the highest form of commitment, is one in which each partner is acknowledged and honored for their sovereignty. Which brings me to a critical point – my body is my own and no one else’s. This may seem obvious but the fundamental premise of monogamy strips us of this truth. Unless I am fully, consciously monogamous from a place of desire and personal choice, I am otherwise making this choice from a place of duty or obligation and not from wanting. This takes power over my body and hands it to another, which is incredibly problematic. Especially for women who are conditioned and accustomed to relinquishing their power and authority to appease our masculine-dominant society.


I have no problem accepting people who have different lifestyles than me

Keywords: rant

But don’t fucking complain that people aren’t being accepting of you only to be a judgemental prick. I get that they’re judged often and I wish people would just mind their business. But it’s not okay to start throwing out the same negative energy at people who probably aren’t judgemental. Just respect people’s choices.


One of the things that infuriates me about the state of the lifestyle is the number of people that do not see people as humans but simply as toys to be used until they either break them or grow bored with them

Keywords: bdsm , ds , ds relationships , daddy dom , daddy dominant , ddlg 2 , ddlg relationship , dominant , fetlife , kink , submissive , bdsm , ds , dominant , submissive

Now as many of you read this instantly will be thinking of the online manchildren who play the ‘role’ of dominant to score some kinky fuckery and then toss their toys aside but there are submissives as well as people of all genders and roles that engage in this behavior. So please be forthright with what you are seeking and remember, if someone expresses to you they are not looking for anything more than play, please do not think you can change their mind with your ‘skills’ because all that it will result in is being hurt when a relationship is not offered.


Having a Master is all the things that I need and want

Keywords: {0}

It gives me purpose, structure, trust, understanding, bond. We can be months apart physically and the moment we are back together to me it is like we were never apart. My body knows his touch, I know the way he smells, what he wants and needs. He lifts me up and in almost 5 years has never once drug me down. I want to please him, to make him proud, to do anything he wants or needs.


Complex species like us don’t have the full control of our body

Keywords: observations , thoughts , human , men , polygamous , polygamy

[The reason why male species are genetically polygamous is] because it’s embedded in our DNA at the very first day we landed or live or exist on Earth. The goal is simple, and that is to procreate to evolve and to survive. That’s why we see male species have multiple hetero partners in his life. It could be one at a time or simultaneously because their DNA dictates the ancient goal.


No matter the specific type I’m going to share some food for thought if you’re thinking of sugarbabying in any context in the future

Keywords: {0}

Sugar babying isn’t for everyone, so don’t force yourself to like it! Always feel like you’re able to stop, even after meeting someone. You have the right to end an arrangement for whatever reason, don’t let anyone manipulate you to think otherwise. YOU DON’T OWE ANYONE SHIT. Demand respect for your boundaries and if that is not given then it looks like it’s time to Block That Number.
